Employers are at the heart of WIN.
We can’t afford to stay in our lanes.
“Regional partnerships of business leaders within one industry, who work together with public partners from economic development, workforce development, education and training, and other community organizations, to address the shared workforce and broader competitiveness needs of their industry.”
—Next Generation Sector Partnerships
Collaborative & engaged
Common points of accountability
United missions, funding streams, performance metrics, etc.
Everyone hears same call-to-action: more, better, stronger partnerships with industry
Continue significant groundwork already laid from employer input on hiring needs, skills, and credentials (including employer and industry surveys and convenings) as well as work to align existing curricula to industry standards.
Employers will designate representatives to serve on
the WIN Industry Teams, which will meet at least quarterly to continue these conversations already underway formalize project design launch, evaluation, refinement, and improvement. -
WIN’s recruitment strategy involves many area organizations, including the local workforce board, WIOA training affiliate, and Workforce Connection offices; participating job training centers and higher education; community nonprofits; and community-based treatment centers.
Employers are a crucial part of recruitment, developing an aligned outreach strategy via the Industry Teams, and working with the Backbone organizations and staff, including the Work-Based Learning Coordinator, Clinical Coordinator, and Project Navigators to communicate skills needs and job demand.
Employer fatigue (or some missed altogether)
No critical mass of employers = no integrity in
how training programs are developed
Jobseekers don’t get the right education at the right time
Undersupply the labor market = companies
Over-saturated labor market = people don’t
 get jobs + wage depression
Our Employer network includes:
Compostela Community and Family Cultural Institute
El Centro Family Health
Holy Cross Medical Center
Presbyterian Espanola
Presbyterian Healthcare Services
NM Primary Care Association
NM Rural Hospital Network
Los Cumbres
Los Alamos Medical Center
Abe Consults
Arpad Builders
Avanyu General Contracting
Baca Grande System Built
Franken Construction
Garcia Welding
Jaynes Corporation
Kit Carson Electric
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Mora-San Miguel Electric Cooperative
North Eastern Construction
Raton Custom Builders
R&M Construction
Silva Excavation
UA Union 412
Taos Ski Valley
Valverde Energy
Western Ecology