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What we’ve learned from our Workshops, Trainings & Convenings to fuel WIN‘s success.

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Recap of WIN 3rd biannual convening.

April 26th, 2024, 10:00 am-4:00 pm
Plaza Hotel, Las Vegas, NM
WIN April 2024 Convening Graphic 4.2024.png

Download, here.

  • Created Articulation Agreements for Common Course numbering & credit

  • Funded quick-response regional support services through the WIN Connect program

  • Provided WIN Navigators for mentoring and career counseling to job seekers

  • Provided childcare and transportation support for students attending classes

  • Delivered job-readiness training via Mobile Training Unit in 3 counties

  • Helped local contractors prepare for upcoming FEMA fire recovery work

  • Supported High Schools in scheduling the BePro/Be Proud simulator tractor-trailer

  • Provided funding to pay tuition and license fees for CDL trainees

  • Established Community Action Teams to promote trades careers, training programs, and job fairs



3 Main Goals from 11/2023 Convening and Results  

  1. Grow the regional WIN Alliance. Result: Grew employers from 14 to more than 30

  2. Create a way to post jobs. Result: WIN funded and co-developed a Hiring Hall with NNMBA

  3. Promote Trades Employment. Result: Ongoing Community Action Teams in each county​

  • Met monthly since Nov 2023

  • NNM Builders Association is stepping ahead as a sector for Skilled trades

  • WIN Hiring Hall: Pilot phase website tool where Employers can post their job openings and job seekers can identify employers.


  • Plan and strategize for the upcoming Northern New Mexico Healthcare Summit Autumn 2024

  • Delve into the development of a Healthcare Sector Partnership website

  • Advance Community Health Work Training Initiatives

  • Forge collaborative efforts within Healthcare Sector Partnerships

Updates since 11/2023 Convening:

  • Met monthly

  • Established a governance system and networking with industry partners in their communities to formalize the group.

NAVIGATOR SUPPORT – Jane Yates/Camilla Bustamante

  • Bridges in Education (Taos-based) joined the Navigator Team. They specialize in working with Adult Learners and Non-traditional Students while assisting WIN participants.

  • Continue to create pathways to assist at-risk populations; assist with transition from incarceration and recovery; assist Santa Fe Recovery clients

  • Maintain close partnerships with our educational partners.

  • Provide support services for students to encourage completion of certificate programs and on to sustainable employment. 

  • Adding Peer Counselor Certification Path and Community Health Worker Certification to Northern New Mexico College to our Healthcare array. 

  • Refinement of WIN Connect referral platform: Seeking pathways to inform community non-profits and our participating counties' support services to join to connect participants with essential services.

  • WIN is looking for Navigators


  • 24 people trained & certified

  • 18 people placed into Jobs

  • 3 people went on to more training

  • MTU offered 480 hours of instruction

  • MTU covered 2,500 miles

  • MTU in 3 counties: San Miguel, Rio Arriba, and Taos

Presented to Frank Lopez, Joan Baker, and Debbie Monataño to express WIN’s gratitude and to honor their support in workforce and economic development

High-quality work-based learning activities are authentic experiences that provide job seekers with critical insights to help them be successful whether they choose college or a career. The experiences give job seekers opportunities to develop technical and employability skills to be successful in future jobs. WIN offers work-based learning in nearly all its college programs, often built into the curriculum. The UA Local 412 Mobile Unit is built to offer work-based learning through its pre-apprenticeship training program. Additionally, WIN grant funds support a Work-Based Learning Coordinator to increase the number of high-quality opportunities in the region.

As of April 2024:

  • Supported 4 apprenticeships

  • 62 pre-apprenticeships

  • 51 clinical experiences

  • College programs have extended their students’ learning with in-class projects, guest speakers, mock interviews, and career fairs. These experiences offer our students and job seekers the opportunity for real-world experience that enhances their likelihood of being employed in a family-wage career.

IET (Adult Education Integrated & Educated Training) – Kristen Krell

As of April 2024, programs include:

  • University of NM-Los Alamos: Welding

  • University of NM-Taos: Emergency Medical Technician & Certified Nursing Assistant

  • Santa Fe Community College: Facilities Maintenance Technician, CNA, Phlebotomy

  • Northern New Mexico College: Electrical Trades and CNA

  • Luna Community College: EMT

  • Starting to get first graduates

  • CHW program at Pueblos beginning June at 8 Northern Pueblos

HIGHER EDUCATION DEPARTMENT: Articulation and Credit for Prior Learning – Kathleen Sena

Common Courses Numbering for the WIN Skilled Trades

  • Courses offered by institutions were reviewed to develop common course prefixes, common numbers, common course descriptions, and student learning outcomes.

  • The work was completed by committees in mid-March.

  • The final work has been sent out to all institutions as of May 9, 2024. 

  • The institutions will have through the 24-25 academic year to follow the approval process at NMHED to have their course approved with the new common course number, common course description, and common student learning outcomes. 

  • All new information must be published in their 2025-2026 institutional catalog online beginning May 2025.

  • We Common Numbered with common course prefix, course title, course description, and student learning outcomes 159 courses in the areas of Adobe, Construction Trades, Electricity, Heating Air Conditioning, Plumbing and Welding.


Recap of WIN 2nd biannual convening.

November 2 & 3, 2023, El Monte Sagrado, Taos, New Mexico

Download, here.

  • Healthcare + Skilled Trades Employers + Support Services identified and strategized priorities, opportunities, and solutions for moving participants through the WIN program and into meaningful employment.

  • Employers gained support and actionable ways to build the workforce in this region.

  • Stakeholders who seek to boost their communities’ economic vitality developed and strengthened relationships.

  • Support Service providers test drove the new closed loop referral system for participant-client support.



  • Monica Abeita, Executive Director, North Central New Mexico Economic Development District (NCNMEDD),
    and Dr. Camilla Bustamante, Project Director, WIN

WIN 2O23 Convening Event Slides include:

  • Introduction to Sector Partnerships: Bobbie Wolfe, Colorado Workforce Development Council, and Francie Genze, Institute for Networked Communities 

  • What Colleges are Doing for the Underprepared:
    Kristen Krell, ACE Manager, Santa Fe Community College

  • Work-based Learning: Sarah Holtzclaw, Work-based Learning Coordinator, Northern New Mexico Work-based Learning Collaborative; Principal Consultant, Claw Consulting


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The Good Jobs logo is a trademark of the Economic Development Administration, used with permission.

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November 2022.

Meet the Team at the launch event of the WIN project — a recipient of a $6.4M Federal EDA Good Jobs Challenge Grant.


North Central New Mexico Economic Development District (NCNMEDD) 
Regional Development Corporation (RDC) Innovative Executive Quality Solutions Unite Us Arpad Builders
 Avanyu General Contracting
 Baca Grande System Built
 Benavidez Construction
 Franken Construction
 Garcia Welding
 Grimm Construction Jaynes Corporation
 Kit Carson Electric
 Los Alamos National Laboratory
 Mora-San Miguel Electric Cooperative
 North Eastern Construction
 Northern New Mexico Builders Association
 R&M Construction
 Raton Custom Builders
 Redondo Custom Builders
 Silva Excavation
 Western Ecology Taos Ski Valley 
UA Union 412
 Valverde Energy Luna Community College NM Highlands University North Central New Mexico College Santa Fe Community College University New Mexico-Taos NM Higher Education Department Compostela Community and Family Cultural Institute El Centro Family Health Holy Cross Medical Center Presbyterian Espanola Presbyterian Healthcare Services NM Primary Care Association NM Rural Hospital Network Los Cumbres Los Alamos Medical Center ABE Consulting ICCNM Bridges Project Taos Education and Career Center Department of Workforce Solutions Claw Consulting Colorado Workforce Development Council Next Gen Sector Partnerships Los Alamos County Taos County Northern Area Workforce Board Unwhelm Coaching M2X Studio


Darrin‘s Place

Food Depot

Help New Mexico

Innovate Educate

Local 412

Luna Community College

M2X Studio

NM Educational Assistance Foundation
NM Department of Workforce Solutions
NM Corrections Department
NM Corrections Department Reentry Division
North Central New Mexico Economic Development District (NCNMEDD)

Northern Area Workforce Board
Northern New Mexico College
Regional Development Corporation (RDC)
Road Runner Food Bank

Santa Fe Community College

Santa Fe Recovery

SFCC Adult Education

University of New Mexico-Taos


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